Alyssa Wisnosky, OT
Kennedy Early Childhood Center, Elementary Center, Educational Center, High School
[email protected]
Remind App (email for code)
Lauren Malacari, OT Contractor
Elementary Center, Educational Center
[email protected]
Remind App (email for code)
Leann Everett, PT Contractor
Kennedy Early Childhood Center, Elementary Center, Educational Center, High School
[email protected]
Kaitlyn Zaloga, Speech Contractor
Kennedy Early Childhood Center, Elementary Center, Educational Center
[email protected]
Janelle Oliver, Speech Contractor
Educational Center, High School
[email protected]
Occupational Therapy Materials
Below you will find a variety of occupational therapy websites to help maintain your child’s skills. Please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate occupational therapist via email with any questions or concerns and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Speech Therapy Materials/Resources for Distance Education
Please see below a detailed list of categorized speech and language resources for parents and students to access. We hope that these resources will help encourage and assist you in reviewing, maintaining, and enriching speech and language skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. Always feel free to reach out to your child’s speech-language pathologist with any questions or concerns that you may have. Practical suggestions:
1. Have fun while working on speech and language skills at home. The best skills are learned during functional and interactive tasks.
2. Avoid frustration while working on speech and language skills. If frustration occurs, take a break or modify an activity to make it slightly less challenging.
3. Remember that family time and time at home is prime time for learning. All students can benefit from learning functional life skills.
Word lists under each particular letter. Choose your child’s sound(s) scroll down to appropriate level (words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and begin to practice). There are also creative activity suggestions that may be helpful!
Great for understanding HOW to make your sound.
-Reading, Writing, and Grammar
-Informative language information with printable worksheets and suggestions for at home! -Grammar, following directions, vocabulary, wh-questions, multiple meaning words
-ReadWorks is offering free academic reading comprehension materials with related worksheets (i.e., vocabulary, comprehension questions, etc) for students and parents during this pandemic. Students and parents can login and make a free account. You can locate a wide variety of topics/resources for student learning based on student grade and/or instructional level.
-Inferencing skills with reading passages
-Wide variety of language with free, downloadable worksheets
Social Language
-worksheets/activities downloadable on topics like relationship boundaries, dealing with anger, communication styles/attitude, and more
Free articles/videos to read/listen to and build stronger social awareness and strategies for social skills.
-Blog about stuttering and functional treatment techniques based on student age
-Informative video about stuttering for and by teens who stutter from The Stuttering Foundation
-Functional Suggestions for Modeling AAC device use at home. Directed toward younger children, but the concept is the same. Read all the way to the bottom of the page to receive helpful suggestions and tips!
-Review of various AAC devices and how to edit/add vocabulary. Video demonstrations and handouts for promoting learning and AAC Device use in students.
Functional Life Skills Activities to Promote Language Skills While at Home:
All activities recommended to promote functional receptive and expressive language skills while completing modified life skills during this pandemic.
-Facetiming/Skyping/Video Chatting with family and friends
-Ordering takeout via phone (i.e., helping in selecting and placing order, paying for order)
-Creating grocery list while looking at store fliers (i.e., determining what is needed)
-Creating a “mock” grocery order online (e.g., Walmart, Weis, etc.) (i.e., selecting correct food categories, selecting correct food item, problem-solving if items not available)
-Putting away grocery items (i.e, disinfecting/cleaning groceries, separating hot and cold items, following directions)
-Cooking: following specific written or spoken directions (i.e., locating, measuring, and mixing ingredients, setting timers, cooking at correct temps, etc.)
-Playing board games or video games with the family (i.e, following directions, taking turns, social skills)
-Writing letters to friends and/or drawing pictures, folding letters, postage
-Note: As parents, you are the most influential and effective individuals in teaching and modeling speech and language skills for your child. Simply including your child in every day tasks, externalizing some of your thoughts and/or problem-solving skills while completing tasks, and continually providing more opportunity for your child to participate/speak/interact is extremely beneficial for speech and language skills. Please reach out if you need any support and remember how important you are.